The existence of an executive committee could be helpful for nonprofits that need to get work done quickly and efficiently. However, some boards might be confused between an executive committee and the board of directors.

The executive committee is comprised of board members who serve as the board’s ears and eyes between meetings, and is responsible for handling urgent matters. Typically, they’re made up of between three and seven members.

Typically, the executive committee has the chairperson and vice-chairperson together with secretary. The chairperson’s job is to represent your board and to lead the committee. The vice-chairperson helps to support the chairperson and may substitute for them in the event of a need. The secretary keeps minutes of meetings and maintains a calendar of committee meetings and ensures that all members are able to access committee documents.

While the executive committee is a subcommittee within the board, it still has the ultimate power to oversee the company. King suggests that boards must carefully consider the delegation of its duties to an executive committee so as to not create an unwelcome “two-tier” power situation in which the committee has the power to make decisions which, as per the constitution or statute, should belong to the board.

An executive committee is a great tool for nonprofits, especially when it’s not possible or feasible for the board to meet in person to address urgent matters. The executive committee provides the opportunity for leaders who are connected to the organisation via their leadership, to make decisions in key areas like top-level workplace issues, organizational oversight and development of the board.

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